Play in the Past

At Play in the Past, our mission is to bring play based, hands on and student centred learning into History lessons across Perth. The incursions we run and our Hands on History Collection offers a unique opportunity for students to touch, play with and explore vintage real world items.

Imagine creating a home corner with a typewriter and telephone. Contemplate the wonder and intrigue of little people seeing a cassette tape or vinyl record for the first time. Consider the vocabulary and discussion that could happen when making predications about what an item may have been used for. It would be wonder-full!

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Hands on History Collection

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Hi, my name is Nicola and I run Play in the Past. I am a history enthusiast and a passionate primary school teacher of almost 10 years, and I just love to see the magic and wonder of play based learning. It is my goal to bring history to life for little people where they can do what they do best and play!

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Our goal at Play in the Past is to bring history lessons to life in a playful and engaging way. Students will get to touch and play with real world items that they may have never seen before. It is an opportunity not to be missed!